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3 safe sleep ways to keep baby warm

The cooler weather is approaching and it is important to know how to safely keep your sweet, snuggly baby warm during the colder months. I want to preface to say that I am not a doctor and you should always listen to your doctor’s advice. I am a pediatric nurse, mama, and professional baby snuggler (eh, I mean photographer) who only has experience in safe sleep- but definitely not an expert πŸ™‚

According to Rachel Mitchell, a certified pediatric sleep specialist, the ideal room temperature for a baby to sleep in is between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. As mamas, we want to do what is best for our children and sometimes we think we need to bundle them up when it is chilly out while they sleep. But honestly, that is not the safest choice. Baby’s should avoid loose blankets and too much heat while sleeping.

Oklahoma Newborn Photograher

Here are 3 ways to keep your baby warm enough while they sleep:


Swaddles with a long sleeve onesie is a great way to keep a non-rolling baby warm and snug during their sleep time. A swaddle should be snug but baby should still be able to move their legs. Here are a couple of great swaddles to try for safe sleep:

Halo Swaddle

These swaddles are adjustable and come in different fabric types like fleece or cotton.

Love to Dream Swaddle Up

These sleep sacks let babies sleep with their arms up- if that is your little one’s fave sleeping position, this is the one for them!

Sleep Sack

A sleep sack is basically a wearable blanket. They are fitted enough to keep the blanket away from baby’s face while leaving the arms free and enables the legs to move. Sleep sacks are a great way to ensure your baby is warm while enabling safe sleep!

Kyte Baby

Kyte Baby offers sleep sacks and sleep walkers (where their feet are out!) so these are a wonderful transition sack for your little one. They are bamboo fabric too which makes it the perfect temperature for them.

Merlin’s Magic Dream Sack

This is a great, affordable option for a safe sleep sack. I love the weight of the fabric on these- they seem so cozy!


Pajamas are always a solid option in replace of a swaddle or sleep sack. Each baby has their own preference! These two option can be footed or footless. If you choose footless, no need to add socks- if it safer to keep their feet exposed and they will probably just pull the socks off anyways!

Little Sleepies

Little Sleepies are my favorite for two reasons! One, the fabric is so buttery soft and it’s bamboo so it will keep you warm or cool. Two, The footy part of the pajamas can be folded down over the foot OR be used to have the foot exposed. This allows your baby to use the pajamas for a lot longer while they grow! The price is worth it for sure and enables safe sleep.

Burt’s Bees Pajamas

Another favorite is Burt’s Bees Pajamas. I love their grippy feet (they also make a footless option) and the tight fabric. Another great safe sleep option!

Oklahoma Newborn Photographer

Baby safety is my #1 priority as a newborn photographer. Being a mama myself combined with my pediatric nursing background I knew that I couldn’t pursue a newborn photography career without proper training. I completed the APNPI course and am currently the only certified for safety newborn photographer in the state of Oklahoma. Click here for more info on my safety certification.

The Journal


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