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Food Aversions During Pregnancy: What’s Happening to My Taste Buds?

Ah, food aversions during pregnancy— what should be an exciting time full of joy and anticipation, comes with the occasional, unexpected plot twist. One day you’re happily devouring a steak with a side of eggs, and the next, the mere thought of those foods sends you running for the hills (or at least to the nearest trash can). 

If you’ve found yourself cringing at the smell of your favorite foods, or worse—craving things you never thought you’d eat, you’re not alone. Welcome to the magical, mysterious world of food aversions during pregnancy.

What Are Food Aversions, Anyway?

In short, food aversions during pregnancy are when your body suddenly decides that certain foods (that you once adored) are now the enemy. These aversions can crop up at any time during your pregnancy but are most notorious during the second trimester. You might even find yourself craving foods you previously couldn’t stand—hello, pickles and peanut butter?

Some of the most common food aversions include:

  • Meat (because, let’s be real, the smell of a steak sizzling in the pan might make you want to pass out)
  • Eggs (scrambled, poached, or sunny side up—nothing sounds good)
  • Dairy (goodbye, cheese platter, it’s been real)
  • Spicy foods (your once spicy taco craving is now more of a ‘no thanks’ situation)
  • Fatty foods (bye-bye, fried chicken, I can’t even look at you right now)
  • Strong-smelling foods (think onions, garlic, fish, or anything fermented—goodbye, kimchi)
  • Coffee and tea (the lifeblood of many, now mysteriously unappealing)

So, why does this happen? Is your body trying to punish you for all those late-night cravings you had in your pre-pregnancy days? Not quite. There are actually a few scientific reasons behind your new food nemeses.

Why Do Food Aversions During Pregnancy Happen?

The biggest culprit of food aversions during pregnancy are hormonal changes. During pregnancy, your hormones are on a wild roller coaster ride, and this can seriously mess with your sense of taste and smell. Add in the increased saliva production and your taste buds might start behaving a little… weird.

Other factors at play might include:

  • Psychological and cultural influences – Your brain might associate certain smells or textures with nausea or discomfort, causing an aversion.
  • Nutrient deficiencies – Sometimes your body just knows what it doesn’t want (even if you’re not sure why).
  • Increased sensitivity to smells – Yes, your nose is working overtime. The smells you once loved can now send you into sensory overload.

How to Survive Food Aversions During Pregnancy

So, what can you do when your body suddenly declares war on every food you once loved? First of all, don’t stress! You’re not the first person to experience food aversions during pregnancy, and you definitely won’t be the last. But here are a few strategies to help you survive your new food landscape:

  1. Find alternatives – If you can’t stand meat anymore, try plant-based protein like beans, tofu, or tempeh. If dairy is out of the question, reach for almond milk, coconut yogurt, or dairy-free cheese. Get creative with substitutions—you might just find something that works for you.
  2. Keep up with prenatal vitamins – If eating a balanced meal is a challenge, make sure you’re staying on top of your prenatal vitamins. If the pills make you queasy, try a chewable or liquid version. Better safe than sorry!
  3. Stick with mild flavors – When in doubt, go for foods that are easy on your senses. Mashed sweet potatoes, steamed veggies (like green beans), or plain pasta salads can be your best friend. Plus, they’re easy to digest!
  4. Chill your food – If hot meals are off the table, go cold. Cold sandwiches, pasta salads, and even chilled grains (like quinoa) can be more tolerable.
  5. Get your protein fix in sneaky ways – Eggs, beans, nuts, and soy-based foods like tofu or tempeh can all deliver that much-needed protein without triggering your aversions. If you’re a fan of Greek yogurt, that’s another solid option—just make sure it’s plain if the sweetness makes you cringe.
  6. Listen to your body – Your body is going through a lot, and it’s OK to be picky. If a food makes you feel gross or nauseous, don’t force it. There’s always another option to try.

food aversions during pregnancy

Hang In There, Foodie Friend!

Food aversions during pregnancy can feel like a bad joke at times—your body pulling a switcheroo on your taste buds, just when you need comfort food the most. But don’t worry, it’s a phase, and like all phases, it will eventually pass. In the meantime, embrace the weird cravings, laugh at the odd combinations, and be gentle with yourself. You’ve got this—and hey, if you’re surviving on mashed potatoes and fruit for a few days, that’s more than enough. Just keep those prenatal vitamins handy, and remember: This, too, shall pass.

Ready to embrace your pregnancy glow? Let’s capture it! Book a maternity session with me and let’s celebrate this beautiful journey with some stunning photos.

The Journal


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