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6 COVID friendly ways to help new parents!

The days of showing up to your friends with a hot meal and extra hands to help clean or rock a baby is on hold! What other ways can you provide help to your friend or family member that are new parents?

newborn photography
  • Send/Drop off a care package. So often a mother is showered with gifts…for her baby. Remember she is going through a huge transformation. Lactation cookies, a new water bottle, healthy ready to eat snacks, lotions, variety of hot teas, neck warmer, or some comfy house shoes would make a great gift to help her feel loved!
  • Schedule a facetime call. Coming over unannounced is equivalent to facetiming unannounced to a new mom. She is still getting comfortable breastfeeding and learning her new responsibilities. Text and ask to schedule a video call with her and her new family. Connecting with her in a distant world will fill her cup!
  • Food. Enough said, right? Order a meal, drop off a meal (yay for porch drop off!), buy her a grocery delivery service, or offer to grocery shop to deliver to her porch. All of these is a mother’s dream come true.
  • Think Outside. If the weather is nice, offer to mow the grass, plant some flowers, bring the trash cans to the curb (and back!). This will take a load off the new parents so they can focus on their first few days at home learning a new routine.
  • Run Errands. New parents might be nervous to expose their fresh baby to any germs. Ask them what errands you can run for them if you are able to (remember to mask up!) and porch deliver any items they may need. This could be as simple as running to the post office or helping pick up older siblings from school.
  • Book them a newborn photo session. The best time frame to photograph newborns is between 3-14 days. Remembering to book a session and trying to find a photographer with availability could be difficult if it wasn’t already scheduled. Split the cost with family/friends and make it a group gift. And FYI, I travel to the family’s home too if they are more comfortable (30 miles around OKC area). Click here to reserve a newborn session with me.

All in all, give your friend patience and love while they transition through this new season of life. Knowing you are supporting them is a huge blessing to them!



Ashley McClintock Photography

The Journal


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