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5 Things No One Tells You About Postpartum


Congrats, mama! Becoming a mother is one of life’s most transformative experiences, but as I quickly discovered, it’s also one of the most unexpected. Looking back there are some things I wish someone had told me about postpartum before I was in the thick of it. While we all hear a lot about the joys of motherhood, some aspects of the postpartum journey aren’t always discussed as openly. So, for all the new or soon-to-be-moms out there, here are five things no one tells you about postpartum:

1. Navigating Postpartum Blues is Totally Normal

When the baby blues hit, it can feel isolating and confusing. You might be overwhelmed with emotions, feeling irritable or weepy for seemingly no reason. After all, you’ve just given birth to a tiny human—shouldn’t you be over the moon? But the truth is, the hormonal shifts, lack of sleep, and the sheer magnitude of your new responsibilities can stir up a range of emotions.

It’s completely normal to have moments where you feel sad or anxious during the postpartum period. What no one tells you about postpartum blues is that these feelings usually pass after a few weeks, and it’s so important to be kind to yourself. Consider reaching out to a fellow mother or close friend, chances are, they’ve felt the same way you do. If the blues continue or deepen, it’s always a good idea to reach out to your healthcare provider—they can offer you guidance and support during this emotional transition.

2. Soothing Achy Boobs (and Why Your Ta-tas hurt)

If you plan to breastfeed, no one really warns you about the pain that can come with it. In the first few days and weeks, your breasts might feel like they’re bruised, swollen, or on fire. Trust me, it’s not all sunshine and roses when it comes to nursing. But I quickly learned that this discomfort is part of the process, especially as your milk comes in and your body adjusts to the new routine.

What no one tells you about postpartum and breastfeeding is how helpful certain remedies can be. Warm compresses, gentle massage, and using a good nipple balm (this one SAVED me!) can make all the difference. Also, remember to feed your baby frequently or pump if you’re feeling too full—this helps immensely with the discomfort. While it can be tough at first, the pain tends to lessen as your body gets into the rhythm of breastfeeding.

3. Crazy Food Cravings While Breastfeeding

things i wish someone had told me about postpartum | mother breastfeeding her newborn baby

When you’re breastfeeding, you may notice that your hunger and cravings can go through the roof. I didn’t expect to suddenly be eating everything in sight, but those hunger pangs hit hard. Turns out, breastfeeding burns a lot of calories, and your body is working overtime to produce milk. You might find yourself craving salty snacks, ice cream, or just about anything you can get your hands on.

What I didn’t realize is that your body needs a lot of fuel to sustain both you and your baby. It’s okay to indulge in a few cravings here and there, but try to focus on nourishing and high-protein foods that give you energy. Healthy snacks, like fruits, nuts, and whole grains, will keep you feeling full longer and help with milk production. But hey, don’t be too strict, if you want a piece of chocolate cake, go for it. You’ve definitely earned it 😉

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

This one is big. As new moms, we often feel like we need to have it all together, but the reality is no one can do it all alone. I wish I’d asked for help more often in those first few weeks. Whether it’s letting a family member do the dishes or asking a friend to pick up groceries, reaching out for support can make all the difference.

Asking for help doesn’t make you weak or less of a mom—it makes you human. The postpartum period is a major adjustment, and it’s okay to need assistance. The more you allow others to step in and help, the more energy and peace of mind you’ll have to focus on bonding with your baby.

Here are some great resources for hiring some help in the OKC area too!

5. The Absolute Joy of Becoming a Mother (It’s More Than You Can Imagine)

No one could truly prepare me for the overwhelming love and joy that would come with becoming a mother. Yes, the sleepless nights, the endless diaper changes, and the emotional rollercoaster are all part of the deal, but the love that floods your heart the moment you hold your baby is something truly indescribable.

Every giggle, every coo, every little milestone is a reminder that you’ve created a tiny human who depends on you for everything. Becoming a mother is hard, messy, and exhausting—but it’s also one of the most fulfilling and beautiful journeys you’ll ever take. It’s more than you can imagine, and somehow, your heart just expands to hold it all.

At the end of the day, every mom’s postpartum experience is different, and that’s okay. Some things may come easily, while others may be more challenging. That’s normal. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, and it’s okay to ask for help.

So, take a deep breath, trust your instincts, and know that you’re doing an incredible job. You’ve got this—one day at a time, one step at a time. And most importantly, be gentle with yourself. You’re a new mom, and you’re learning as you go. And that’s perfectly enough.

Take care of yourself, mama. 💕

Your newborn’s tiny details won’t last long—let’s preserve them in beautiful, timeless photos

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