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Solid nuggets from the baby whisperer
The days of showing up to your friends with a hot meal and extra hands to help clean or rock a baby is on hold! What other ways can you provide help to your friend or family member that are new parents? Send/Drop off a care package. So often a mother is showered with gifts…for […]
My top newborn session FAQs answered! These are the question I see in my inbox on the daily so I wanted to make sure I had some quick info put together for you. How much does a newborn session cost? Please refer to the newborn pricing page or if you have further questions, please reach […]
Who is the star of the show in a newborn session? The baby. Some babies are divas, some are easy going, some want extra snuggles or milky time, some want to watch all the action. Other babies love me singing “You Are My Sunshine” (don’t judge my singing voice!) and others prefer the sound machine. […]
You’re in the right place Momma! So you just had a baby. While soaking up all those sweet cuddles and sleepless nights the last thing you have on your mind is what in the world am I going to wear to my newborn session! Let me make this easy for you with my 5 ways […]
Are you ready to book the baby plan? 1. You feel like you’re missing out “The days are long but the years are short”….that’s what we are told for 9 months while growing these humans. You don’t believe this saying until you do. One day you blink and your sweet little newborn is 6 months […]
“What can I expect at a newborn session?” “How long does the session last?” “Should I bring my whole family?” Join me as I walk you through my whole newborn process- step by step! 1. Reserve Your Newborn Session The first thing you need to do is reserve your session! This is super important because […]
"Ashley makes the photography process of trying to get amazing photos of babies look so easy! She’s flexible and easy to work with, has so many great creative ideas and props, and always turns out the best photos! As a new mom seeing others handle your baby can be a little scary but she does newborn poses in such a way that are cute and and takes her time to make them safe! We’ve done a baby plan with extra shoots (photoshoots for the first year of life) and have had 5 photoshoots. Each have been fun, stress free, and our son loves her! We’ll be continuing to have photos done by her as he grows."